Monday, February 9, 2009

WWOOFing, take one

OK so my first wwoofing experience started on Saturday, and for anyone not aware, that stands for willing workers on organic farms. It's now Tuesday and I have since left the farm. This place was not the place for me. Aside from being weird, it was out in the boonies and their house was really dirty. It was like a barn/house. And it's supposed to be 4-6 hours of work a day in exchange for work and board, this was like 8-10 hours. Sorry but I am not free manual labor. Also, it was around 90+ degrees every day I was there. And we (me and a very nice Japanese girl) were yelled at when we did something incorrectly. Aand I was supposed to show the very nice, non English speaking Japanese girl, Fukoko, what to do so if she did it wrong it was my fault. So overall, not my kinda place. I got out first chance I got, which was today, to a place called Motueka, where there's not a whole lot more going on but I've got a clean hostel bed, internet (pictures!) and some food that wasn't shot that morning (the poor bunnies never saw it coming...). You can ask my parents/rebecca how I felt about that one. I have taken a vow never to eat rabbit or I will lose a very dear friend. I am going back to Nelson tomorrow, about an hour away. I think I will stay there for a few days (it's a great little place with a really laid back vibe, reminds me of Burlington a bit) and then on to wine country in Blenheim and whale watching inKaikoura. At least that's the plan. Robert, I'm glad to hear you've been following the blog! I think next time I want to go somewhere where they just take their guns for walks, and not actually use them. Do you know of a place like that?

1 comment:

Jess said...


When are you going to post your pics? I cant wait to see them! I hope that you find a better farm to work at soon. Sucks when you don't work with awsome people like me huh?

luv jess