Sunday, January 11, 2009

Getting Organzied: T-Minus 20 days!

Tonight I am finally combing through my WOOF New Zealand book, trying to just get a rough list of potential places. I'm even making a google map of my first choices, so I try and cover all the places I want while in New Zealand. I'm so organized I can't stand it!
I also downloaded and figured out Skype today. I'm excited to have a better way to communicate with everyone back home. It was simplier than I thought, just type in someone's email and their skype number/name pops up. Now I just have to teach my family how to use it!
There's still more stuff I have to get, and I'm not quite as organized as I'd like to be in that department. I got my tent though! Can't wait to try it out. So far I've set it up twice the tiny condo living room and my bedroom. It's the REI Half Dome, and it's super easy to set up, even for one (un-cooridinated person like me).

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