Friday, March 20, 2009


I'm in Picton now, the "gateway" to the South Island, since both ferries that cross Cook Straight go to Picton. It's a cuter little town than I gave it credit for when I first got here, but that's probably because I just hopped on a bus and drove right through. I'm staying at a really great place, called Juggler's Rest, except it's full tomorrow night, so I have to leave for a night. I'm in Picton for 5 nights, then Wellington for three, then Auckland for one then home! Crazy. I'm definitely leaning towards coming back next year with a work visa, that way I'll really get to see it all (I hope!). I'm not looking forward to the ferry ride back, today I saw a picture and heard stories about a few years ago when it was so rough the ferry took 10 hours to cross and tipped to 42 degrees (45 and you're in the water). The ride is supposed to take 3 hours. It destroyed the ferry, which carries cars/campervans and freight cargo for the trains, and the Interislander didn't run for something like 5 days. People were literally stranded here on the South Island unless they wanted to fly. Pretty crazy. Anyway that's what I'm up to now, just hanging out on the South Island for as long as I can, before I have to leave this wonderful country!

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